Train Accidents

Train Accidents Lawyers

Train or railroad accidents typically involve collisions with other trains, collisions with passenger vehicles or motorcycles or single train derailments.

They’re often caused by improperly maintained tracks, poorly marked railroad crossings, mechanical failure or inexperienced or reckless drivers. According to the Federal Railroad Administration, more than half of all railroad accidents happen at unprotected crossings — and there are many of those crossings throughout the Tri-State region.

Train accidents often result in serious injuries — and in many cases, death. If the accident was caused by someone else, such as the crew operating the train, or the railroad company’s failure to properly maintain the tracks or safety equipment, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical costs, pain and suffering and emotional distress.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a train or railroad accident, it’s important that you immediately engage an experienced lawyer such as an accident attorney from Gerling Law to determine the cause of the accident and who is liable for your injuries. This may involve the preservation of wreckage, witness interviews, determination of liability and jurisdictional issues. The faster these steps are completed, the better your chances of reconstructing the accident and proving what happened.

Get The Legal Help You Deserve!

If you or a family member has been seriously injured because of an accident involving a train, talking to a law firm with experience in train accident cases just makes sense.

Call Gerling Law today at 1-888-GERLING 812-213-4551 or complete the free case review form for a free, no-obligation initial consultation. Remember, Go with Experience. Go with Gerling.