Indiana Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
Workers’ Comp Attorneys in Indiana
Workplace injuries can happen to anyone, even the most conscientious employees. The Gerling Injury Law Attorneys are here to help. When you’ve suffered an on-the-job injury, having the right Indiana workers’ compensation lawyers can make all the difference.
So far, in 2022 alone, Indiana has paid over $100 million in workers’ compensation claims and medical reimbursements. Many of these claims were paid out only after hard-fought disputes brought by tenacious workers and their legal counsel.
At Gerling Law Injury Attorneys, we have experienced Indiana workers’ compensation lawyers. Our team of knowledgeable Indiana workman’s comp lawyers can help guide you through each stage of your claim.
Often initial benefit rejections can be reversed as soon as an Indiana workers’ compensation lawyer gets involved in your case. Let our experience help you get the benefits and reimbursements you need and deserve.
Getting Help with Your Indiana Workers’ Compensation Claim
Most people work in order to live. It can be a terrifying experience when your income dries up due to a workplace accident or injury.
It can be even more frightening when your injury prevents you from doing any other type of work. This is precisely why you should call on a team of Indiana workers’ comp attorneys as soon as possible after your injury. The Gerling Injury Law Attorneys are ready to assist.
What Is Indiana Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation laws were created to provide a financial safety net for workers injured on the job. Workers’ comp was set up by the government to ensure that employers carry insurance to protect and pay injured workers. But filing a workers’ compensation claim can be difficult. It is not an easy system to navigate, and denials are common. You will want an Indiana workers’ compensation attorney to help you through the process.
Make sure to speak with an Indiana workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. We can’t say it often enough. You only have up to thirty days to file your workers’ comp claim in Indiana. If you delay, you will likely have your claim denied. Workers’ compensation lawyers in Indiana can work with you to get your claim filed quickly.
Qualifying for Indiana Workers’ Compensation
It may be obvious, but you need to be employed to qualify for workers’ compensation. However, “qualifying employee” is actually a legal definition that an Indiana workers’ compensation lawyer can help explain.
Independent contractors typically do not qualify for workers’ compensation. A member of the experienced team at Gerling Law Injury Attorneys can help you get the information you need to understand whether or not you are a “qualifying employee.”
Sometimes, people are injured on the job, but they hesitate to file a workers’ compensation claim. If you are injured in any job-related accident, you should speak with our team of Indiana workers’ compensation lawyers.
Types of injuries that commonly give rise to workers’ compensation claims include:
- Pre-existing medical conditions or injuries that become aggravated by an accident at work,
- New injuries of any type,
- Repetitive trauma injuries caused by repetitive actions or tasks (e.g., rotator cuff tears),
- Illnesses or injuries from exposure to extreme physical or psychological trauma,
- Illnesses caused by exposure to harmful substances on the job, and
- Injuries or illnesses caused by participating in work-related events.
You may be entitled to compensation as long as you can prove that the injury occurred in, or as a result of, the workplace. This is true whether your injury was a catastrophic accident, a minor fall, or a repetitive use injury. As long as it happened on or as a result of your job, you should always file a claim.
Workers’ compensation benefits can potentially cover all medical claims resulting from a workplace injury.
This may include:
- Doctor’s visits,
- Diagnostic tests,
- Medical imaging,
- Specialist exams,
- Physical therapy,
- Surgery,
- Surgical after-care, and
- Rehabilitation.
An Indiana workers’ comp lawyer, like our Gerling Law Injury Attorneys team, can help you consider all your medical needs by filing a robust workers’ compensation claim.
No Indiana workers should have to pay out of pocket for injuries suffered on the job. The Gerling Law Injury Attorneys Indiana workers’ compensation attorneys get results. If you have been injured and are struggling with the decision of whether to file a claim, contact us today.
Gerling Law’s Guide to VA Disability Benefits
Questions about your VA disability claim, benefits, or appeal? We’ve got a free guide available right now. Complete the form below and we’ll email you a link to download the guide directly.

Over $500 Million in Recoveries
Gayle Gerling Pettinga makes significant contributions of time, talent, and resources to individuals and organizations that have improved the quality of life for the people around her. – Mary Ellen F.
Additional Workers’ Compensation Benefits You May Not Know About
Indiana workers’ compensation also provides additional benefits, including vocational rehabilitation. Workers’ compensation claims typically provide you only with wages lost due to your injury. In rare cases, you may be able to obtain lost future wages. However, future wages are not guaranteed.
Indiana workers’ comp will provide vocational rehabilitation services if your injury prevents you from performing the work you are trained for. Make sure an experienced Indiana workmans’ comp lawyer helps you ask for every benefit available to you when you file your claim.
Vocational rehabilitation can help you prepare for and find a job after your injury. Sometimes, the worst-case scenario happens. Workers’ comp may also provide certain immediate family members with death benefits and funeral expenses if an injured worker dies from their injuries.
An Indiana workers’ compensation lawyer from our Gerling Law Injury Lawyers team can explain this complex law. If you are a family member of an employee who died from a work-related injury, contact us today to discuss your case.
You Need Experienced Indiana Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
The most important thing you can do after workplace injury is protect your rights. Depending on the facts of your case, you may be able to get compensation quickly and fairly. Unfortunately, many employers and insurance companies will fight every aspect of your claim. You do not need to suffer alone. The experienced Indiana workers’ compensation lawyers at Gerling Law Injury Attorneys are on your side every step of the way.
Contact us to learn about workers’ compensation law and how we can help you get the benefits you are entitled to.