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Average Settlement for Medical Negligence Resulting in Death

Coping with the death of a loved one is extremely difficult in all circumstances but can feel even more devastating when you believe their death could have been avoided. Medical malpractice is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States.

If your loved one’s death occurred because of medical negligence, you may have the right to file a claim for wrongful death against the negligent party and receive substantial compensation. No monetary award will ever make up for the loss of a loved one, but finding justice may be a step toward healing and closure.

Medical malpractice laws are complicated, and the time for filing a claim is limited by your state’s statute of limitations. Contact Gerling Law to schedule an appointment with our experienced team.

What is the Average Payout for Medical Negligence Resulting in Death?

The average settlement for wrongful death caused by medical negligence varies widely due to the many factors that can impact the payout. A payout for medical negligence resulting in death can reach over $1 million, but there are caps placed on medical negligence settlements, which vary by state.

The amount of compensation you receive for your wrongful death lawsuit will depend heavily on the circumstances of the case including:

  • The nature of how the death occurred;
  • Who is liable for the death;
  • Their degree of responsibility for the death;
  • Other factors contributing to death;
  • The age of the deceased;
  • Salary and earning potential of the deceased; and
  • Financial dependence of family members.

In many cases, medical malpractice resulting in death settlement amounts increase in value if the healthcare facility is liable. It is not uncommon for liability to be shared by a healthcare professional and the healthcare facility. Hospitals generally have deeper pockets than individuals.

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What Is Medical Malpractice?

Medical professionals owe patients a reasonable and accepted duty of care that encompasses careful attention to treatment protocols and practices. Medical malpractice occurs when a hospital, doctor, or other health care professional, through a negligent act or omission, causes an injury to a patient.

Under this legal theory, a victim or their family member can claim compensation for the damage to the patient.

There are three elements that must be present in order to bring a cause of action for medical malpractice.

1. A Violation of the Standard of Care

Certain medical standards are recognized as acceptable practice by prudent health care professionals when conducted under similar circumstances. This is the standard by which all actions are evaluated. A patient is owed the right to care consistent with these standards. If the standard has not been met, the actions may constitute medical negligence.

2. An Injury Was Caused by the Violation

In violating the standard of care, the healthcare professional must have also caused an injury that would not have occurred without their negligent action or omission. There are always risks and unknowns when it comes to medical care, therefore an unfavorable outcome on its own is not enough to assert malpractice. The plaintiff must demonstrate that the outcome would have been different if the standard of care was met.

3. The Injury Resulted in Significant Damages

For a case to be viable, the plaintiff must show that significant damages resulted from medical negligence. Death is certainly the most unfortunate and severe form of damage that could occur.

What Is Wrongful Death?

A wrongful death claim is used to compensate surviving family members for the losses they have suffered or will suffer as the result of a loved one’s death. Each state has different statutes governing who is eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit.

According to Indiana law, a wrongful death claim involving a child must be filed by one or both parents or the child’s legal guardian. Unlike in many other states, an adult decedent’s family members are not permitted to file a wrongful death lawsuit.

Instead, the personal representative (also referred to as the “executor”) must file on behalf of the deceased adult’s estate. Illinois wrongful death cases must also be brought by the personal representative of the state. Kentucky has similar laws asserting who can file a wrongful death claim, with a few exceptions that do not apply to medical malpractice.

What Happens When A Doctor Causes The Death Of A Patient?

Doctors are human and make mistakes. When doctors make mistakes, however, their patients can lose their lives. If your loved one died due to a doctor’s negligence, you could have the right to sue the doctor under your state’s wrongful death statute. 

Wrongful death laws can vary from state to state, so it’s critically important that you talk to a skilled and experienced wrongful death attorney right away to protect your rights. 

Is The Hospital Liable For Wrongful Death?

The answer to this important question depends on the circumstances of your loved one’s death—and the relationship between the doctor and the hospital. The hospital would be liable for any wrongful death caused by the negligence of its employees. The question becomes whether an employee of the hospital is at fault. 

Under the legal doctrine of respondeat superior, an employer bears liability for its employee’s negligence. The hospital would be liable for the employee’s negligence in cases such as:

  • Misdiagnosing an illness or disease;
  • Contributing to the death of mother or child during childbirth;
  • Prescribing the wrong medication;
  • Administering medication incorrectly; and
  • Committing an error during surgery.

The hospital could have liability in these circumstances. 

Determining when a doctor is an employee is not always clear-cut. Just because a doctor has “privileges” at a hospital does not mean the doctor is an employee of the hospital. The doctor might have a contract with the hospital to treat patients or use its operating theater. 

Typically, doctors are independent contractors of the hospital. Independent contractors are not employees. Therefore, the doctrine of respondeat superior would not apply. If that’s the case, the hospital might not be liable for your loved one’s wrongful death. 

When Are Hospitals Liable For Wrongful Death?

Hospitals employ many people in a variety of positions that also treat patients. Unlike most doctors, nurses are hospital employees. Nurses owe a duty of care to their patients distinct from the doctor’s duty of care. A breach of that duty of care that ends in death implicates the hospital as a responsible party. 

Nurses commit malpractice by:

  • Not monitoring the patients’ vitals correctly;
  • Making an error while charting a patient’s record or misreading a patient’s chart;
  • Incorrectly medicating the patient; or
  • Failing to report changing symptoms or a patient’s declining health to the physician in charge.

A hospital is liable for the negligence of other employees like medical assistants, x-ray techs, and others who treat patients. 

Hospitals are also liable for their own mistakes. You can hold a hospital accountable for negligently hiring or retaining an employee. Hospitals are also responsible for ensuring all patients’ safety while maintaining adequate and competent staff.

What Kind of Damages Are Available for a Wrongful Death Case?

In the case of medical malpractice resulting in death, loved ones are often left with a financial burden to bear. The decedent may have accrued significant medical expenses that still have to be paid, along with funeral and burial expenses.

If the decedent was the primary financial provider, the family may have additional needs due to financial hardship. Possible economic and non-economic damages include:

  • Funeral and burial expenses;
  • Loss of decedent’s expected earning capacity;
  • Loss of benefits such as medical insurance coverage or pension plans;
  • Loss of inheritance;
  • Cost of therapy;
  • Loss of the care, protection, and guidance from the deceased;
  • Loss of household services of the deceased;
  • Loss of love and companionship; and
  • Loss of consortium.

In extreme cases, a judge may decide that exemplary (also referred to as “punitive”) damages are necessary to ensure that the medical facility and staff responsible learn a lesson from the case and enact changes.

This part of the hospital wrongful death settlement is reserved as punishment rather than to compensate the victims. 

Caps On Medical Malpractice Settlements

Each state places its own cap on medical malpractice settlements. As of 2019, Indiana caps medical malpractice damages at $1.8 million.

Doctors are liable for only $500,000, and anything beyond that amount is paid by the state Patient Compensation Funds (PCF) which is funded by a surcharge on insurance paid by physicians and hospitals.

Kentucky and Illinois do not cap the average payout for medical negligence resulting in death.

If you are filing a claim for medical malpractice resulting in death against the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the procedure is a little different. You must first file a medical malpractice claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). Caps on recovery are imposed using the state statute for private institutions.

Suffering From the Death of a Loved One Due to Medical Negligence?

The experienced team at Gerling Law understands that this is a very difficult time for you and your family. We have successfully represented clients in IndianaKentucky, and Illinois in wrongful death suits and other personal injury matters for over 50 years. The last thing you want to deal with is the complexities of your state’s legal system.

Our dedicated attorneys provide compassionate, zealous legal representation to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us to schedule your case consultation today.