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Bayer Continues Seeking Roundup Trial Verdict Appeal

December 1, 2020 — Bayer has lost all three of its Roundup trials.  The company is continuing its attempt at overturning the results of those trials even though the appeals do not look promising for Bayer.

The first trial, Johnson v. Monsanto, found that Monsanto was liable for Dewayne “Lee” Johnson’s cancer at the appellate court level.  In October 2020, the California Supreme Court refused to review the case.

Since the decision, Bayer has had 150 days to request for the U.S. Supreme Court to handle the case.  The company has not officially decided how it will proceed despite previously indicating that it will pursue its Supreme Court action, according to a Bayer spokesperson. If Bayer does take such action, Johnson’s attorneys are expected to file a conditional cross-appeal in order to review the decisions behind cutting Johnson’s jury award from $289 million to $20.5 million at the appellate level.

Reference:  “Monsanto Roundup & Dicamba Trial Tracker.” U.S. Right to Know, 2 June 2020, https://usrtk.org/monsanto-roundup-trial-tracker-index/