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Checking Your VA Disability Claim Status

If you have submitted a claim for disability benefits through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), you may have to wait an indeterminate amount of time. On average, Veterans’ disability claims can take 125 days before they are decided.

That time period can seem interminable, especially if you’re counting on those benefits for your financial security and stability.  Under certain circumstances, the VA may be able to expedite your disability claims due to hardship. 

You can check periodically to see the current status of your VA disability claim. What if the decision isn’t the news you were expecting? If your claim was denied or if the VA did not give you the disability rating you feel you deserve, it could mean a significant reduction in the dollar amount of your benefits.

The VA disability benefits attorneys at Gerling Law Disability Attorneys understand how devastating this news can be for veterans, and we are prepared to fight to get you the benefits you deserve.

How to Check Your VA Disability Claim

In the past, veterans had only two ways to get an update on their disability claim status. They could call the VA and sit on hold for hours, or they could wait for a letter to come in the mail with the VA’s decision. Today, the VA has embraced internet technology and launched the VA.gov Claim Status Tool.

To check your claim’s status, you must first sign in to www.VA.gov. The site uses two-factor authentication to protect your personal information, so you will have to request an authentication code be sent to you via text or cell phone. Once you enter the code, click on “Check your claim or appeal status” under the “Disability” heading.

You will then be directed to an overview of your claim (or claims). Click the “View details” button to review the full timeline and status of the claim on the “Status” tab. The “Files” tab will display any additional documentation that is required, while the “Details” tab will provide information about when your claim was received, what type of disability claim it is, and who your assigned VA claims representative is.


Potential Problems with VA Disability Benefits Claims

An approval of your benefits isn’t always good news, unfortunately. If the VA approves your claim but bases their decision on incorrect information, it can cost you significantly. The VA might also deny your disability benefits claim or fail to process it in a timely manner.

These are the most common problems that veterans experience when checking the status of their claims.

Unfavorable Rating Decision

The VA will assign a disability rating percentage, which is their opinion of your degree of disability. If the assigned rating is not accurate, it can significantly lower the amount of your benefits.

Incorrect Effective Date

The effective date of your claim is equally important, as this determines the point from which you are eligible to receive benefits. If the effective date is incorrect, you could lose a significant amount of back pay.

Delayed Processing

Sometimes claims get lost in the vast VA system. The VA has been known to experience significant disability claims backlogs, causing decisions to be delayed or, worse, to be lost entirely.

Denial of VA Disability Claim

If the VA does not find that there is a direct connection between your military service and your disability benefits claim, your claim may be denied.

If any of these issues occur, you may need help from an experienced, compassionate veterans’ disability benefits attorney.

Get Help From Our VA Disability Benefits Attorneys Today

If you have questions or if your claims are denied at the VA, talk to one of the experienced VA disability benefits lawyers at Gerling Law. Having a VA claim lawyer on your side can help you get the answers and results you deserve. Whether you need help filing a VA disability benefits claim, appealing a low rating or incorrect effective date, or filing a new claim due to worsening health conditions, we are here to help.

Not all disability attorneys can assist veterans with their disability claims—but Gerling Law Disability Attorneys can assist you anywhere in the U.S. Call us at 1-888-GERLING (812-213-4551) or contact us online now for help from one of our compassionate, experienced VA disability claims attorneys.