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Do I Qualify for the Roundup Lawsuit?

Ever since the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 2015 cancer warning regarding the widely used herbicide, Roundup, rampant litigation regarding the product’s safety profile has arisen. Specifically, it is alleged that Roundup can cause certain types of cancer.

As a result of these claims, Bayer, the parent company of Roundup’s manufacturer, agreed in 2020 to pay out $10 billion to settle ongoing claims against their company regarding the product.

If you were injured by Roundup at any time, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. If so, chances are that Gerling Law Injury Attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Our team at Gerling Law Injury Attorneys is currently helping countless clients do the same. If you are interested in joining this Roundup cancer lawsuit, it is important to assess whether or not you qualify for the ongoing legal action.

What Happened with Roundup?

Roundup is the most commonly used herbicide in the world. Unfortunately, since 2015, one of the key ingredients in Roundup, glyphosate, has become known as a known cancer-causing chemical (carcinogen). One 2019 study from the University of Washington linked glyphosate exposure to a 41% increase in cancer risk compared to those with no exposure.

Thus, if you developed cancer after using Roundup, you may have a claim for damages. Even better, you may have a claim to join in with many other litigants as part of a class-action lawsuit against Bayer regarding Roundup. The payout for that Roundup cancer lawsuit is not insignificant.

As an injured party, Gerling Law Injury Attorneys can help you file your own individual lawsuit against Bayer regarding the harmful effects of Roundup.

Prior Litigation

Prior to the recent  $10 billion settlement agreement, there were other settlements regarding the harmful effects of Roundup. One plaintiff received a unanimous jury reward of $289 million. On appeal, a higher court reduced that amount to $80 million, but that is still a significant jury award.

In another jury trial, other plaintiffs received an initial award of $2 billion. There is a lot at stake in the Roundup lawsuit. Because much of the damage to litigants is already done and involves untold sums of damages, it is extremely likely that further settlements will be equally significant.

How Do I Qualify for the Roundup Cancer Lawsuit?

To determine whether or not you qualify for Roundup settlement checks, you need to assess whether or not you meet certain criteria. At its base, the criteria are as follows:

  • You or a loved one used Roundup for an extended period of time; and
  • You or a loved one developed cancer of some sort after exposure to Roundup for a period of time.

Each case is unique, so these criteria are not a one size fits all proposition. Instead, we at Gerling Law assess each case on its own merits. Some types of cancer will qualify for the lawsuit, others will not. We will tell you whether we believe your Roundup claim is going to succeed. Honesty is of paramount importance at Gerling Law.

If Roundup Has Caused You Damage

The wave of litigation against Roundup is strong. For numerous years, this product has plagued countless Americans with the threat of cancer. Our goal is to help right that wrong.

Whether it is for you or for a family member is irrelevant. Whatever your needs are, Gerling Law Injury Attorneys can help you through the Roundup litigation process. The foundation of our firm is experienced. And that experience serves our clients well.

With our extensive knowledge, our team has the experience to determine if you qualify for a Roundup Lawsuit. Our bottom line is helping you get where you need to go. Our team of attorneys has the experience necessary to ensure that your case goes the way it should go.

Go with the trusted and true injury attorneys. Go with Experience. Go with Gerling. ® Contact us today for your free consultation!