| Read Time: 2 minutes | news

The 100 deadliest days for teens are here

The most dangerous days for teens to drive are here. Known as the 100 deadliest days of teen driving, these are the days where teens are more likely to be involved in deadly crashes. Why? It’s summer vacation. The summer poses a particular threat to teens and others on the road due to the addition of school-aged teens who...

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Ethicon Physiomesh Flexible Composite Hernia Mesh MDL Created

June 1, 2017 โ€“ A multidistrict litigation for Ethicon’s Physiomesh Flexible Composite Hernia Mesh is created. Reference Turner, Terry. โ€œPhysiomesh Flexible Composite Hernia Meshโ€. Drug Watch, 12 August 2020, https://www.drugwatch.com/hernia-mesh/physiomesh/

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These tips can help you prevent serious medical errors

Medical mistakes cause injuries and take lives. No patient wants to find out that he or she has been a victim of a medical mistake, but if you have, then you know that it has to be addressed. Medical mistakes range from operating on the wrong patient to prescribing the wrong medications. While not all mistakes hurt people, some...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | news

Summertime Means Water Safety

Do you remember the first time you were in the deep end of a swimming pool? Maybe you ventured into the deep end on your own, or maybe you were tossed in by a prankster (or well-meaning adult), but chances are that your first experience with deep water was a little scary. In terms of personal safety, how you...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | news

On Track for Safety: Avoiding Train Accidents

Every three hours, a person or vehicle in the United States is hit by a train. While some of these accidents occur at train crossings, a larger portion of fatalities occur when people or vehicles stray onto private railroad property. Walking the rails as a shortcut between Point A and Point B can be a very dangerous and deadly...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | news

How To Qualify for Disability

If you have been injured or have developed a medical condition that prevents you from working, you can apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), most commonly known as merely “social security disability.” But applying for SSDI doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed to be awarded this benefit. Factors that Count Before you Qualify for SSDI You must have a...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | news

What protections are available after a slip and fall accident?

Falling incidents can be unexpected and result in serious physical, financial and emotional harm for victims. Victims may wonder what protections are available to them if they have been harmed in a slip and fall accident. In general, when a victim has slipped or tripped on a property owner’s premises and the owner failed to take the proper precautions...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | news

Summer Vacation Safety is a High Priority

On behalf of Gerling Law posted in on Tuesday, June 28, 2016. Summer Vacation is finally here! School is out, the days are long and sunny, and we are all on a different schedule than the one we keep the other nine months of the year. Summertime is prime time for travel for a lot of families, and even...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | news

Gerling Supports the Evansville Christian Life Center's Thanksgiving Outreach

Imagine the Thanksgiving holiday as a long day of celebration that excludes you. Imagine not being able to provide a Thanksgiving meal for your family. Imagine how dark and lonely that would feel. For many people living in the inner city, living in poverty, the holidays stand in sharp relief to their everyday existence. Thankfulness is difficult to muster...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | news

The Dangers of Defective Products

The news has been hard to ignore: recently, German automaker Volkswagen admitted to installing devices designed to circumvent emissions testing in millions of their automobiles. The resulting scandal has shaken up the management structure in the venerated manufacturer and has caused worldwide outcry from both consumers and environmental groups alike. While no one was directly injured by the automaker’s...

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