Product Liability

Evansville Product Liability Lawyers

Every year, thousands of people become seriously injured — some even die — as a result of using products that had design flaws, were manufactured improperly, or were poorly maintained. Often the makers or owners of these products are aware of the defects but fail to address the problems in a timely or effective way.

Manufacturers, distributors, and resellers have a responsibility to deliver products free from defect and to make good-faith efforts to assume that responsibility. When a company fails in its obligation to manufacture safe products to the consumer, people get hurt. When that happens in Evansville, victims need to retain the services of the product liability attorneys at Gerling Law.

If you have been injured by a defective product, a Gerling Law attorney can help. We have the experience and financial resources to take on big companies, level the playing field, and achieve justice for you.
People who have suffered injuries because of a defective product may be entitled to receive compensation for their medical costs, lost wages, and emotional distress.

We will thoroughly investigate your case to determine who is at fault and how the injuries could have been avoided. Our attorneys will also consider how the injuries will affect your future quality of life and the cost of any additional care that will be needed to ensure that the compensation received is fair and appropriate.

What Types of Injuries Are Considered ‘Product Liability’ Cases?

Products liability law is a broad category. A number of cases fall under the umbrella:

  • Pharmaceutical products, including Risperdal and Zofran
  • Food products
  • Medical devices, including transvaginal mesh
  • Tools and machinery
  • Weapons and firearms
  • Children’s products
  • Toys and recreational equipment
  • Clothing
  • Motor vehicles such as cars, trucks and motorcycles
  • Pesticides, mold, asbestos and other toxic substances
  • Car accessories, including air bags, child car seats, seat belts and tires

Building Your Product Liability Case

People who have suffered injuries because of a defective product may be entitled to receive compensation for their medical costs, lost wages, and emotional distress. To win your consumer injury/product liability lawsuit, our lawyers must show:

Determining who is responsible for a consumer injury or death caused by a defective product can be complicated. Anyone involved in creating or selling the product — from the manufacturer to the retailer — can potentially be held liable for your injuries. At Gerling Law, our attorneys have extensive experience in handling consumer injury cases and will investigate every aspect of your claim to determine who should be held responsible.

When You Need a Product Liability Attorney

Defective products cases tend to be complicated. Each area of products liability law is different, and it takes an experienced attorney to get a good result. Call Gerling Law today at 1-888-GERLING 812-213-4551 or complete the free case review form for a free, no-obligation initial consultation. Remember, Go with Experience. Go with Gerling.